Azt. Sorry for my late post..
Lost my mood to write..
Yaaaaaaaaa yesterday I somewhat fought with my mom. As always.
But this time I think my mom's a little (okay not a little) over act.
I just asked her permission to go with my friend and she talked and talked and talked about unnecessary things and accused me about approximately everything she could say -_-
So tired. And when I called my friend, my daddy caught (whutt??)
And they got angry about it. -_____-
Wonders what so wrong with me or them. -_-
Hahh.. (switch) dannnn akhirnya gua gak pergi juga. Odong.
Sebenernya seinget gua sih ada yang mau gw omongin lagii.
Entah ttg that 'someone' or somebody else -_-
But thanks to that problem I've forgot it -_- HA!
-the 84th day-
Heyya :D I know that tomorrow's the first physics test...
Damn so deadly x_x..
But I can't resist to check how's my blog going...
And I'm somewhat shocked when I saw that traffic sources. LOL
Ya, someone used this keyword --> "pieches SMAK 1"
Well, I laughed out lout. Really. (^_^)v
Anyway... Lately I've been spending lots of time just to think about this one topic.
"Does God really exist?"
Aaaaaand this 4 words grow into hundreds of question(s). Great.
I know it's not good to doubt your God's existence. But still...
There's no scientific proof about His existence. Only faith, religion, whatsoever.
FYI, I'm not really into un-scientific things. Yes, I've doubted and tried too seek logical explanations for those they call 'miracles' and things that they said 'happened with His help'.
*sigh* Can't believe I wrote those.
And I've been thinking about being an atheist (WHAT?????)
But I throwed that idea away. FAAARRRAWAY.
-_____- Felt like half of me wants to be close with God..
But the other half is dragging me away, and wants me to be an atheist.
Having this 'great tussle' (whut de??) inside annoys me damn much.
I should be studying physics right now, but I can't -_-
Better get goin. See ya :D
Damn so deadly x_x..
But I can't resist to check how's my blog going...
And I'm somewhat shocked when I saw that traffic sources. LOL
Ya, someone used this keyword --> "pieches SMAK 1"
Well, I laughed out lout. Really. (^_^)v
Anyway... Lately I've been spending lots of time just to think about this one topic.
"Does God really exist?"
Aaaaaand this 4 words grow into hundreds of question(s). Great.
I know it's not good to doubt your God's existence. But still...
There's no scientific proof about His existence. Only faith, religion, whatsoever.
FYI, I'm not really into un-scientific things. Yes, I've doubted and tried too seek logical explanations for those they call 'miracles' and things that they said 'happened with His help'.
*sigh* Can't believe I wrote those.
And I've been thinking about being an atheist (WHAT?????)
But I throwed that idea away. FAAARRRAWAY.
-_____- Felt like half of me wants to be close with God..
But the other half is dragging me away, and wants me to be an atheist.
Having this 'great tussle' (whut de??) inside annoys me damn much.
I should be studying physics right now, but I can't -_-
Better get goin. See ya :D
-the 83rd day-
Hi :D
Facebook seems so addicting to me nowadays..
Especially because I found this game called "The Sims Social"
LOL. Yaaah you know I'm a H-U-G-E fans of these simulation games.
Ah. Actually that's not really that important sih. Hahaha.
Tomorrow's our independence day celebration! BUT
Instead of coming to school only to have fun, we have this history test. -_-
But still better than those poor 10th grader who'll have 2 tests tomorrow. LOL
And still, not grateful.. We're not studying for tomorrow, but we keep protesting about that out-of-humanity scheduled test.
Hmmm, lately someone has occupied a lot of space in my brain.
I hope he won't take that space in my heart too. <3 aaaa
Yes, I'm freaking out. These 'what if' questions keep running on my mind.
Facebook seems so addicting to me nowadays..
Especially because I found this game called "The Sims Social"
LOL. Yaaah you know I'm a H-U-G-E fans of these simulation games.
Ah. Actually that's not really that important sih. Hahaha.
Tomorrow's our independence day celebration! BUT
Instead of coming to school only to have fun, we have this history test. -_-
But still better than those poor 10th grader who'll have 2 tests tomorrow. LOL
And still, not grateful.. We're not studying for tomorrow, but we keep protesting about that out-of-humanity scheduled test.
Hmmm, lately someone has occupied a lot of space in my brain.
I hope he won't take that space in my heart too. <3 aaaa
Yes, I'm freaking out. These 'what if' questions keep running on my mind.
-the 82nd day-
Damn! This should be the 83rd day.
But, thanks to my iPod who failed to send that post...
*sigh* I'm so sorry that I can't post that often....
HWs and tests... AAAAAA *stressed*
Gyah. Anw, I have LOTSSSSS to tell! \m/
Most of them 'r good ;)
Yes, life's been great to me lately. Somewhat too great (?)
So strange :O but so happy :D :D
Here's a summary from this week:
1. I fainted after that long run (1500m) -_-
2. At the same day, I failed both biology and indonesian T_T
3. LOTS new 10th graders joined SYC \m/ so happy :D :D
4. (switching to mixed) BBMan with that someone almost everyday ^^
5. Officially off-braces! \(^_^)/
6. Bought an uber-cute silicone for my BB :D
7. Everything went super-smoothly ^^
But, thanks to my iPod who failed to send that post...
*sigh* I'm so sorry that I can't post that often....
HWs and tests... AAAAAA *stressed*
Gyah. Anw, I have LOTSSSSS to tell! \m/
Most of them 'r good ;)
Yes, life's been great to me lately. Somewhat too great (?)
So strange :O but so happy :D :D
Here's a summary from this week:
1. I fainted after that long run (1500m) -_-
2. At the same day, I failed both biology and indonesian T_T
3. LOTS new 10th graders joined SYC \m/ so happy :D :D
4. (switching to mixed) BBMan with that someone almost everyday ^^
5. Officially off-braces! \(^_^)/
6. Bought an uber-cute silicone for my BB :D
![]() |
It's the angry bird and stoopid looking pig side by side LOL |
Geez. I can't say how happy I am rite now ! Feel so blessed x)
-the 81st day-
Heyya! It's been 2 days after that 'lifechanging' (whut?) chat! LOL
Yes.. I started to pray. Felt somewhat strange and awkward at first..
But now I feel (a little bit) more comfortable doing that. Hahah.
Just like what we heard from that video showed by Mrs. Wati :D
My biggest thank to you heheh :p
I'm watching Toy Story 2 now. And there's a song lyric that caught my attention..
When we were falling in love :') Aaaaaaah T_T
But too bad that was just some sweet memory... That will never come back..
And now, I THINK I am liking someone. But I don't think this will last long.
IDK why it seems like I can't forget him? T_T
Haiyah wtf lately all my posts are filled with my nonsense #curcols. LOL
Yes.. I started to pray. Felt somewhat strange and awkward at first..
But now I feel (a little bit) more comfortable doing that. Hahah.
Just like what we heard from that video showed by Mrs. Wati :D
"Semua orang di sekitar anda sudah ditakdirkan oleh Tuhan untuk membantu anda berubah"Wow. Never guessed that it's the one who sits next to me.
My biggest thank to you heheh :p
I'm watching Toy Story 2 now. And there's a song lyric that caught my attention..
"When somebody loves me, everything is beautiful"So true... Suddenly I remembered those moments.
When we were falling in love :') Aaaaaaah T_T
But too bad that was just some sweet memory... That will never come back..
And now, I THINK I am liking someone. But I don't think this will last long.
IDK why it seems like I can't forget him? T_T
Haiyah wtf lately all my posts are filled with my nonsense #curcols. LOL
-the 80th day-
You know what, this week's been a tough one...
Yah somehow I felt that one of my classmate trying to... Whatever.
Like getting away from me.
YES, I know that I'm waaaaay to sensitive about literally anything.
But, this time I've even tried to talk to her. Kay?
Sooooo......... I told my friend about this.
From a short talk until a looooooooooong lecture (eh?)
I told him everything. And asked advice about my problem.
Here's my problem. I'm a freak (yes, I do admit it) act too.... Lebay.
And I do enjoy seeking attention from others... --a
I don't know how to fix this. So I asked.
And then this "talkshow" (whut?) starts.
Well... (switchhhh to indo)
Pas baca semua tulisan itu sering banget tanpa sadar ada air mata ngalir.
(salah satu bentuk kelebayan gua lalala)
I have no idea why this happened.
(sorry yaaa semua hari ini gua malah curcol >< )
You know what, this week's been a tough one...
Yah somehow I felt that one of my classmate trying to... Whatever.
Like getting away from me.
YES, I know that I'm waaaaay to sensitive about literally anything.
But, this time I've even tried to talk to her. Kay?
Sooooo......... I told my friend about this.
From a short talk until a looooooooooong lecture (eh?)
I told him everything. And asked advice about my problem.
Here's my problem. I'm a freak (yes, I do admit it) act too.... Lebay.
And I do enjoy seeking attention from others... --a
I don't know how to fix this. So I asked.
And then this "talkshow" (whut?) starts.
Well... (switchhhh to indo)
Pas baca semua tulisan itu sering banget tanpa sadar ada air mata ngalir.
(salah satu bentuk kelebayan gua lalala)
I have no idea why this happened.
(sorry yaaa semua hari ini gua malah curcol >< )
-the 79th day-
Heyheyhey <3
Today, someone amazed me.
Well.. You know, lately I lost lots of my things. Including my physics book.
ACTUALLY, it's my cousin's boook... OHNOOOOOOOO T_T
And today I tried to look for that book at the... Just say the Dump.
I was going to dig through that pile of old clothes when suddenly a boy came.
I don't know who is he, but he helped me to look for that book..
Here's the things that amazed me :
1. He don't know me but he helped
2. It's around 15PM ya, quite late, but still he spent some time to help.
I thought, people nowadays won't help each other.
I want to thank you, but I don't even know your name..
So, this post is dedicated to you, to show my gratitude :D :D
Thanks yah heheh x)
Today, someone amazed me.
Well.. You know, lately I lost lots of my things. Including my physics book.
ACTUALLY, it's my cousin's boook... OHNOOOOOOOO T_T
And today I tried to look for that book at the... Just say the Dump.
I was going to dig through that pile of old clothes when suddenly a boy came.
I don't know who is he, but he helped me to look for that book..
Here's the things that amazed me :
1. He don't know me but he helped
2. It's around 15PM ya, quite late, but still he spent some time to help.
I thought, people nowadays won't help each other.
I want to thank you, but I don't even know your name..
So, this post is dedicated to you, to show my gratitude :D :D
Thanks yah heheh x)
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