
-the 85th day-

Azt. Sorry for my late post..
Lost my mood to write.. 
Yaaaaaaaaa yesterday I somewhat fought with my mom. As always.
But this time I think my mom's a little (okay not a little) over act.
I just asked her permission to go with my friend and she talked and talked and talked about unnecessary things and accused me about approximately everything she could say -_-
So tired. And when I called my friend, my daddy caught (whutt??)
And they got angry about it. -_____-
Wonders what so wrong with me or them. -_-
Hahh.. (switch) dannnn akhirnya gua gak pergi juga. Odong.
Sebenernya seinget gua sih ada yang mau gw omongin lagii.
Entah ttg that 'someone' or somebody else -_-
But thanks to that problem I've forgot it -_- HA!


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