Heyya all! :)
Sorry for (again) my late post...
Actually I want to post this @ friday night .___.
And now, there's too many topics that I want to tell...
Here's some which I consider quite important :
1. Our physics test, the one which need ONLY ONE MORE student to reach the minimum criteria of classical has failed to do so. It's quite normal actually, BUT what makes this one painful is because lots of student cheats their way into that un-remedial scores. Because of their immorality and egoism, we (ones who didn't cheat and failed) lost our chance to do the test once more -_- thanks a lot. -__- Sincerely, I got 37/100 but I didn't cheat.
2. My parents were really disappointed with my mid-term results :(
Although I've tried my best (what?? I haven't, really) but they kept asking for more!
I wonder how could I make them smile -_______-
3. I'm getting more confused about this university thingy.
After yesterday's edufair, I added some majors and unis I wish to enroll to -___-
It's HKU, HKUST, NUS, AtmaJaya, and PrasMul (okay almost everyone says 'WTF' about this one)
4. I missed church today and I feel somewhat.... Guilty.
I don't know whether this is a good or bad sign for my 'spiritual' (eh?) progress? LOL.
5. I'm falling deeper and deeper for him.... OHNOES!!!!
Yes, I don't know if it's just me or he's starting to care ;)
Everything is beautiful when you're falling in love <3
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