
-day 119-

Friday, 28th of December 2012.

*PS : I guess I'll write this one in Indonesian. I tried to write it in English and.... It's awful. Sorry xD*

Pada suatu malam, kita (sebagian dari together alone - that's what we call our group; consists of 4 jomblowan and 2 jomblowati LOL) memutuskan untuk pergi jalan dan makan bersama di Puri. Kenapa Puri? Ya gitu deh. Pengen tau aje ;)

Together alone @ Gaby's 17th :D
Paginya, gua ada firasat gak enak. Wah, bakal garing nih. Wah, bakal bosen, bakal mati kutu gak tau mau ngapain. Apalagi setelah denger paginya pada berguguran, sisa gue cecen dan gebeh se-tiga-orang.*ini ilustrasi kegalauan gua di pagi tanggal 28*

Chapter 1 : bertemu.
Oke. Kelamaan ngegalau, gua telat berangkat (nggak sih, sebenernya gara2 mau bikin KTP dulu; tapi rame jadinya batal dan gue keburu telat. Kemprul) Dan alhasil sampai di Puri sejam setelah waktu janjian dengan tidak kurang suatu apapun. Nyampe sana; gua bertemu gaby di depan bodyshop - terus jalan-jalan liat tempat makan yang enak. Ternyata, dengan referensi lokasi di whatsapp sekitar sekian menit sebelumnya; cecen runtang-rantung di depan toko bodyshop sekitar 15 menit (?) HAHAHA

Chapter 2 : mengisi bahan bakar.
Awalnya pengen di glosis. Enak sih keliatannya, Enak banget malah. Tapi, dengan mempertimbangkan faktor tidak seimbangnya laju berkurangnya massa duit di dompet dan bertambahnya massa lemak di perut.... (Bahasa sederhana : makanannya mahal) Akhirnya hijrah ke platinum. Duduk. Ngobrol. Berasa garing... Sampe akhirnya siapa gitu (kayanya gue deh. apa siapa ya?) nyeletuk buat nyelonong ke rumah Denny nun jauh di Jelambar. Herannya; kali ini bisa pada setuju semua. Akhirnya bermodalkan nekad dan patungan 11.000 per orang; berangkatlah para pelancong ke Jelambar naik TransCab (gua jarang naik taksi jadi rada norak :$ mwehehehe)

Chapter 3 : Lintasing Jelambar part 1.
To be noted : pergi ke rumah Dennynya itu tanpa memberitahu si empunya rumah ;) berasa mau meng-ambush rumah orang xD
Alhasil dengan ingatan seadanya dan supir taksi yang hebat insting nyetirnya, gue setaksi jalan tanpa alamat pasti (seengganya gak pake alamat palsu sih, nyasar di jelambar berabe ini)
Ini penggambaran KECIL dari Jelambar :

Percayalah sama gue, lu gak mau kesasar disana. ANYWAY pas kita jalan kan di taksinya ada TV tuh, kita nonton tvOne - kabar siang kalo gak salah. Jadi ceritanya gini :
*semua khusuk mendengarkan berita*
"Telah terjadi perampokan taksi, pelakunya bernama (jeda) DENNY....."
Setelahnya titiktitik semua karena kita udah keburu ketawa seketawa mungkin. LOL
Akhirnya sampe di rumah Denny... And guess what. ORANGNYA GAK ADA DI RUMAH HALELUYA PUJI TUHAN. Anjrit. Kita udah ketawa miris semua, terlunta-lunta di depan rumah orang dan gak bakal ada transportasi lewat di depan sana. Akhirnya kita nelpon dia (yang ternyata abis main badminton). Dan kita memutuskan buat jalan kaki keliling-keliling daerah sono. Asik loh, asli. Adem, banyak pohon, berasa di hutan. Makanya gue namanya lintas jelambar; sodaranya lintas alam. Takut nyasar, akhirnya balik deh ke rumahnya Denny. Entah mengapa dan bagaimana, mungkin nyokapnya merasakan getaran kestressan tiga pelancong ini.... Dan mempersilahkan kami semua masuk. Udah gak enak banget nih. Disodorin nastar sama cookies pula. Mau ambil, berasa biadab super. Akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk bergabung duduk dengan awkward sambil berdoa denny segera pulang. Akhirnya gua telpon lagi *peace yoo* dan pas gw ngomong; kedengeran suaranya denny di luar. Langsung gue matiin dan kita semua berjuang parah nahan ketawa. Masuklah si denny, dan kita cuma ngomong "hai" LOL.

Chapter 4 : Lintasing Jelambar part 2. 
Setelah nungguin si doi ganti baju 3x.. Akhirnya kita jalan tanpa arah; sampe netepin target rumah selanjutnya : JB (bukan jastin biber; lebih keren HAHAHA) sekarang kita jalan, belom tau ada dimana tapi udah tau mau kemana #eeaaa Udah jalan sekian meter, gua agak curiga kalo bakalan nyasar ini. Akhirnya naik bajaj deh. Gue, gebeh, denneh bertigaan di belakang...  

cecen nemenin si abang di depan Black heart (cards)
Berasa banget itu bajaj kaya kaga kuat narik. Untung gak mogok xD. Nah di tengah jalan ada anak kecil yang gue dadain loh. *pentingsekali* Akhirnya sampailah di rumah jebeh. Awalnya cuma mau manggil anaknya keluar terus bilang "yow" dan ngacir lagi. Tapi alam berkata lain. Ujan deres cetar membahana tiba2 nyerbu dan akhirnya gue sekalian wajib bertandang di rumah jebe. Wkwk namanya jodoh.. Mestakung ini namanya (semesta mendukung) wkwk xD Nungguin hujan reda, kita ngebully gebeh dan jebeh (cocok yaa (>̯͡.<̯͡) ) sampai akhirnya hujan reda (pasti kecewa nih (¬͡ -̮ ͡¬) cuma gak bilang saja wkwk) Tips : kalo mau nyari anaknya, bilangnya riyan jangan rayen HAHAHA 

Chapter 5 : unik, asik #korbaniklan.
Setelah pamit kepada empunya rumah ke2; berkelanalah lagi the rangers mencari ide untuk pergi ke TA. Jalan kaki? Kalo ga pingsan ya kesasar. Nyari taksi.... Impossibruuu D: oke. Jadi kita memutuskan buat jalan aja.... Terus tibatiba ketemu becak!!! Black heart (cards)  Jadi naik becak deh (>̯͡w<̯͡) kapan lagi naik becak di jakarta?? Too bad ga sempet foto xD Turun di indosiar, kita bingung mau naik apa lagi. Akhirnya naik transjakarta. Whaa xD 

Tiketnya :3
NB : gue gapernah naik bus selain bus karyawisata... Seneng banget loh ( ื▿ ืʃƪ) walaupun pas turun di grogol salah naik bus terus balik ke tempat semula :x akhirnya sampe juga di CP \(`▽´)/  Asik loh naik transjakarta. Berasa surfing karena naiknya berdiri xD #norakbud 

Chapter 6 : the horror... 
Kita jalan kaki ke TA setelah bergumul berat antara TA - CP. Nongkrong di bucks (gua menerima donasi sticker kalo ada yang mau beramal :D ), nontonin short movienya si i (if you know what I mean) terus jalan ke timezone & nontonin orang main Dark Escape 4D (kalo ga salah) 

Amsyong. Nonton dari luar aja gua udah teriak2. Akhirnya kita meneguhkan hati untuk main dengan formasi denny - gaby yang mangku gue - cecen. Serem loh. Ciyus... Udah 3D, geter2, ada angin2 gajelas juga. IH udah amitamit deh x_x Berakhir kita pulang ke rumah masingmasing.. Dan gua mengantar gaby (ˇзˇ) Sekian cerita dari the new year rangers (usulan gebeh) dan perjalanannya di jakarta barat (>̯͡<̯͡)  Setelah perjalanan ini gue belajar sesuatu loh... 
"Kemanapun kita pergi, dengan maupun tanpa rencana, perginya sama sahabat pasti asik!"
I love you guys so muchas :* kapan-kapan kita jalan yang lengkap ya ^.^


-day 118-

It's a day after christmas (I started to wrote this post yesterday :p )
And it was happy! ^_^
(I know it contradicts to my last post, but heeeeey at least it's better!)
Although I spent these 6 days at home (aaaand malls; need not to be said), but I still feel happy ~

*Bahagia itu sederhana.*

Yaaaah of course I did something sih....

Well I had some video conference with my faraway friends~ It's fun. LOL xD
And I played the Sims 3 (this time not the pirated version ;) my parents bought me the whole series; original copy for my christmas present!!!!! *hugshugshugs*)
But wait, there is more ;)

So, here's my christmas wish list (you may have seen this on my twitter; but I'll write it anyway)

1. To be able to perform our best (we played at a christmas celebration; and thanks God it went well - or at least that's what I heard LOL)

2. To win this 100 shirts tender (first I thought it was impossible but I got it loh~)
3. Keep on (or try better) giving my best at school, business and (hopefully) every aspects of life.
4. Be a better person for my family and friends~
5. (well this one is kinda hard but nothing is impossible, no?) To regain my faith. HA.

What a wish. I forgot to mention that I want to be taller xD 

I guess it's the magic of christmas made those possible to achieve :3
In additional, I also got another present... And this is the best one ;3 

Okaaay enough LOL >////< I hope you had an awesome christmas like mine ^^

See you tomorrow :D


-day 117-

Hey. I know I'm supposed to be happy for everything that I've received...
But today, 20.12.2012 is just a plain misery.

Not only today, actually...
It feels like everybody is fooling me. Trying my patience or whatever it is..
I don't know why I always feel so unlucky / angry lately -_-

Okay. First, my parents. I don't know if it's me that changes...
Or they're getting more annoying. Seems like my parents over-react to my brother's "little success".
Am I jealous? No. In fact, not to brag, this time I achieved better than him.
Maaaaaan. He's got a 4th gen iPod, Nintendo DS Lite, Blackberry (idk what's it's type), an Acer laptop. And he get a PC (super big one. I have no idea where will this TV-like pc will be put) because he (is predicted) that he'll get the 5th place at class.

And me? Okay, maybe it's luck, but come on. I'm in the senior high school, not to mention that my school is (obviously) 'harder' and more competitive, I could achieve such grade (despite of my other activities and laziness). And they congratulate me. Good. That's all.

Okay I know that I whine too much...
But wait, there is more!
See, I bought an USB for my dad's birthday this year.
And guess what, he lost it already. It's not that I'm disappointed because it's expensive (although it worths my 2 weeks allowance)
But it's more like he did not appreciate my present....

T_T nevermind. I guess I should not complain about everything tho. Hahaha.

Okay. Congratulation for spending some of your precious time reading this. xD See you!


-day 116-

Hello people, I am back.
Actually I don't want to write a post today, because I have nothing really important to be told...
Yet I still want to write. Kinda random, no?

So, I started my day with the physics test (which probably was the most successful physics test I've ever done) :D And got "punched" by a volleyball barely an hour after... Still have to be considered as lucky though. Here's some silly reasons :

  1. It's just a volleyball (just fyi, around week ago a soccerball shot my head. A headshot! It hurts. Trust me xD)
  2. This time, it's only my stomach, nowhere near my brain HAHAHA (made me feel nauseous, even until now...)
  3. It happened AFTER the test.
LOL. Seems like I have some kind of ball-attracting ability ( ._.)

..... You know, actually I typed an essay (quite literally) yet I decided to erase them all...
I don't know why I no longer be able to write anything I want to (if you take a look at my previous posts, it's like I'd just write anything I want to. Even it's kinda private)
Means that I can't do those all-out thingy anymore T______T

I've changed a lot... *sad* Although there's one thing that stays the same :
1. Still galau-ing about my faith... 
- started praying since a month ago sih.. However, even though I feel that I kinda regained my faith, it's not the same... Still that old war between my heart and brain LOL. Seems like it's just an interference from 'someone else' would be able to help me through this.... (>.<)
2. Having a certain someone to be galau-ed of. 
- BUUUUUUUUUUUT it's not that "him" anymore. Time passes by, people change.... And so do I :)
That person that I used to know... I used to think of every night and day (whoaaaa).... He moved to a place miles away from here :') So I have no choice but to think of someone else (WTF??)

LOL okay nevermind. Getting more absurd with every sentence, right? HAHAHA
Here's the thing. I want to share a thing, and after I wrote like a paragraph I'd think that I shouldn't write this and that and lalala so I erased and changed some part(s).... :<
I wish I'll gain my shameless side (only while I am writing, of course) back :' 
I have a bunch of ideas that are ready to be written (eaa) soooooo just be patient :3

THANKSALOT for wasting like 10 minutes (more or less) of your life just to read this post xD
Come back soon! Trololol :]


-day 115-

It's been 5 months since my last update :')
Things happened. A lot.

Now, I'm in my senior year of high-school... And I've decided where to continue my study after this.
I'll be a student of UPH, majoring in Food Technology :)
There's something funny I want to share with you guys...
I searched through my old blog... (it's spoon.of.live) xD (Not my first blog though, but it's the oldest blog that I could trace)
Take a peek! "Take a Glance at My Future" (please forgive my mis-spelling and awful grammar tho)
So I've went to UPH since I was a junior-highschooler (3 years and I still choose the same university and major! LOL)

Mind if I share something with you about how I chose Food Technology major at the first place?
So, my biology teacher asked me to join a competition named "National Smukiez Competition" (yeah, also the reason why I picked smakone back then, I saw the orchestra performance... And now I play with the orchestra ^_^) and then asked me to prepare for the chemistry test (biology : elva. physics : joa.)
She asked me, why I didn't mind to study chemistry? I answered because I loved chemistry too, not only biology (and I still do :D ) and she said that I would love this Food Technology thingy.
(Bad coherence, I know LOL) Could be concluded that this event literally changed my life.

Whoa. Long time no write, my fingers (and my brain) jammed quite often while writing this post x)
PS : I write this post instead of studying physics xD I'll be having physics test by tomorrow...


-day 114-

Heyya! Long time no see, no?
Been busy for my newly-released project! ^^

It's my first online shop : *drumroll*
What do you think? :3
Feel free to visit (and add) it's FB, and to follow the twitter if you would :D
And I'd love to hear comments and suggestions from you guys :3
Okay? See you there! <3

*ps : sorry if you feel like this post is only for promoting.. Matter fact, I have nothing to tell, except that I've failed civics, maths and english test (3 in a row) this week T_T*


-day 113-

Hey guys!! <3<3
So happy lately ^^
Especially this saturday :)
Spent my (almost) whole day attending talkshow(s) (attended 2 in a day)
and they were sooooo inspiring ~

this is the poster of talkshow 1 :D
"Cara Gila Kaya Raya Sejak Muda" - or how to be rich since you're still young (?)
and the second one is my 2nd BCSB session : 'Public Speaking"
Both were great :3
Not going to tell about it though... :p

Ah yes. I don't know why lately I -kinda- lost my passion to write.. T_T
so, sorry if my posts were trashy or whut T_T


-day 112-

Hey :)
Long time no post, right? :(
Sorry.. Got sick for days.
Around that CNY (still get my angpaos anyway ^^)
High fever for like... 3 days?
Sigh. And as usual. Tests and homeworks.... T_T
Failed none yet :D

Actually, I'm planning (and doing) a project right now :)
Curious? You better be ;)

Anyway, gotta go. 
Made an appointment with doctor in less an hour :D


-mezzanines; redominasi rupiah-

"Financeroll – Rencana redenominasi rupiah dengan mengubah Rp1.000 menjadi Rp1 mendapat kritik. Rencana BI diniali ngawur dan berpotensi memicu inflasi yang lebih tinggi.

Pengamat ekonomi Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa menegaskan bahwa BI tidak memiliki alasan yang baik untuk melakukan redenominasi bahkan cenderung membodohi publik saat ditemui kemarin (9 Jan 2012).

Menurut Purbaya, BI yang membandingkan keadaan Indonesia dengan Turki adalah kekeliruan karena kondisi Turki saat melakukan redenominasi sangat buruk dengan tingkat inflasi rata-rata 15 tahun sebesar 70% dengan pelemahan mata uang 1.400 kali dalam 10 tahun.

Ia juga melanjutkan jika redenominasi dilakukan agar proses akuntansi lebih mudah, ia menilai bahwa perhitungan dapat dilakukan dengan komputer yang canggih. Secara psikologis, Purbaya menyampaikan dampaknya akan berakhir dengan naiknya inflasi.

Purbaya juga mengatakan jika untuk menjaga gengsi maka sebaiknya BI melakukannya dengan menetapkan kebijakan moneter yang baik. Misalnya saat bunga kredit turun ternyata uang juga diserap hal ini kontradiktif dan berpotensi menghancurkan perekonomian Indonesia, sebaiknya BI foukus agar bunga kredit juga turun. Ia mengatakan masih banyak pekerjaan yang mendesak daripada redenominasi.

Redenominasi yang direncanakan oleh BI bukanlah sanering karena nilainya tidak berkurang. Rencananya BI akan membutuhkan 10 tahun untuk melakukan redenominasi dengan tahapan pertama yaitu sosialisasi dilakukan mulai tahun ini."

guys, hari ini postnya bahasa indonesia dulu ya :)
Waktu itu (udah lumayan lama ini berita) gua strolling di forum emasnya kaskus, dan gua ngebaca ini...
Kebayang ga sih, nanti beli nasi sepaket cuma 10 rupiah, beli aqua cuma 3 rupiah...
TAPI uang saku tinggal 200 rupiah! T_T

Bayangin kalo tiba2 orang2 di kampung tau duitnya jadi segitu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelomnya. Rusuh gak ya? wkwkwk
IMHO, indonesia belom butuh redominasi (lain hal sama negara apa gitu di afrika, beli roti aja milyaran / trilyunan xD )
Lagian juga, kalo diredominasi tapi belom siap malah tambah rusuh nantinya, terus makin inflasi, terus....... *mikir aneh aneh*

Anw all, sorry I didn't post lately..
School, as always. And right now I still have like 5 or more homeworks to be done *cry*
So, maybe now I'll post weekly, not daily like last month T_T


-day 111-

Happy new year all! \m/
Sorry I didn't post for last... 3 days?
Spend my new year's eve (and the day after that) with my mom's big family :D
Kinda boring, huh?
And.. I've been busy reading books~
Been reading Merry Riana's books, "A Gift From A Friend" and "Mimpi Sejuta Dolar"
And those books are totally AWESOME!
Haven't finished reading the first one though xD
"Mimpi Sejuta Dolar" (which I just finished reading this morning) tells us about her life story (especially when she studied @ NTU until now) and how hard she managed to survive with S$10 per week.. And how many attempts she tried (and failed) before she reach success like now :O

*puking rainbows*
This (approx) 350 pages book (soo thick, isn't it? finished in 3 hours B-D )
Is a really-worth-your-time book. Trust me.
After I finished reading that book, I lost my appetite to be an employee and a professional later in my life. I really wanna be an entrepreneur :D
Anyway, now that I'm reading "A Gift From A Friend"; I can't stay here too long..
Me wants to continue reading! ciao~