Hey. I know I'm supposed to be happy for everything that I've received...
But today, 20.12.2012 is just a plain misery.
Not only today, actually...
It feels like everybody is fooling me. Trying my patience or whatever it is..
I don't know why I always feel so unlucky / angry lately -_-
Okay. First, my parents. I don't know if it's me that changes...
Or they're getting more annoying. Seems like my parents over-react to my brother's "little success".
Am I jealous? No. In fact, not to brag, this time I achieved better than him.
Maaaaaan. He's got a 4th gen iPod, Nintendo DS Lite, Blackberry (idk what's it's type), an Acer laptop. And he get a PC (super big one. I have no idea where will this TV-like pc will be put) because he (is predicted) that he'll get the 5th place at class.
And me? Okay, maybe it's luck, but come on. I'm in the senior high school, not to mention that my school is (obviously) 'harder' and more competitive, I could achieve such grade (despite of my other activities and laziness). And they congratulate me. Good. That's all.
Okay I know that I whine too much...
But wait, there is more!
See, I bought an USB for my dad's birthday this year.
And guess what, he lost it already. It's not that I'm disappointed because it's expensive (although it worths my 2 weeks allowance)
But it's more like he did not appreciate my present....
T_T nevermind. I guess I should not complain about everything tho. Hahaha.
Okay. Congratulation for spending some of your precious time reading this. xD See you!
Sabar ya fris *pukpuk*
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