Hey all :D
Good day, no?
Remember my yesterday's post?
About that hired thingy?
Turns out now I have 3 (left-over?) account that are similar to typethat.biz~
Well, it's a website that pay us to type captcha. Simple, no?
If anyone wants to have the account just contact me via comment / twitter / facebook, anything you prefer deh :p
I'm still lucky that -that misstress (call her Alice (?))- only followed by 5* tweeps.
So she rarely appears to my timeline~ *yaaaay*
I don't know why I 'hate' her soooooo much.
Everyone only knows my incident. Not hers. bleh.
So everyone thinks that she's a genius and generous angel who shares a lot of thing..
xD okay Imma stop talking soon. don't want her to see this post and blabbering around like she once did :D
-day 109-
Hey all! Sorry for my late post xD
Today, I discovered 2 awesome thing! AWWWWWW YEAAAAAAAH \m/
First, I got employed via freelancer.com
(Yea, really employed and get paid. \m/)
At first I don't believe it either.
But, lemme tell you something. Inside that copy-writing category, lies hundreds of opportunities waiting (y)
Won't be talking much, just register and find it out yourself :D
Second, I watched The Billionaire (click here to see review) [too lazy to write the whole story here]
Addicted to games by 16; roasted chestnut seller by 17; broke & left with 40 millions Baht debt by 18; created "Tao Kae Noi" and sold it @ seven eleven by 19.
SUPER AWSUM. Really worth your 25k.
Additional fact : he's 26. Not only rich, he's quite handsome too ;)
Yep. It's him with his mom. Amazing, huh? <3
Anyways, gotta go guys... It's 11 already ;_;
See you tomorrow! :)
Today, I discovered 2 awesome thing! AWWWWWW YEAAAAAAAH \m/
First, I got employed via freelancer.com
(Yea, really employed and get paid. \m/)
At first I don't believe it either.
But, lemme tell you something. Inside that copy-writing category, lies hundreds of opportunities waiting (y)
Won't be talking much, just register and find it out yourself :D
Second, I watched The Billionaire (click here to see review) [too lazy to write the whole story here]
most awesome movie of the month :D
Life story (more like autobiography sih) of Aithipat "Top" Kulapongvanich, the founder of "Tao Kae Noi" (yes, that nori -seaweed- you often see everywhere) !Addicted to games by 16; roasted chestnut seller by 17; broke & left with 40 millions Baht debt by 18; created "Tao Kae Noi" and sold it @ seven eleven by 19.
SUPER AWSUM. Really worth your 25k.
Additional fact : he's 26. Not only rich, he's quite handsome too ;)
Yep. It's him with his mom. Amazing, huh? <3
Anyways, gotta go guys... It's 11 already ;_;
See you tomorrow! :)
-day 108-
Hey guys! :D
Okay it took 1 hour to write that one sentence above -_-"
Wrote literally a sentence after finishing one chapter (~'_')~
AND clicking bunch of ads. LOL
Boring life. I know it.
Still have to be grateful though because I have this book ^^
Okay it took 1 hour to write that one sentence above -_-"
Wrote literally a sentence after finishing one chapter (~'_')~
AND clicking bunch of ads. LOL
Boring life. I know it.
Still have to be grateful though because I have this book ^^
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More - Roald Dahl
Well, I USED to be a bookworm.. But then I took an arrow a blackberry to the knee bag. LOL.
This camp has successfully erased 90% of my twitter addiction. And resurrected my inner bookworm (lolwhut?)
Yes, this book really have some wonderful story in it.
Pure awesomeness *puking rainbows*
I was (and always be) a HUGE fans of Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton!
My parents used to buy me TONS of books-to-read for me ^^
Yep. I read everything that I could read. From comics to encyclopedia :D
Kinda crazy, huh? (~'.')~
Okay I'm gonna back to my book.. So see you later :D
-day 107-
Hey there! :D
My holiday's just super boooooring. Damn.
Sitting still in front of my laptop wasn't really that happy T_T
Well actually my mom asked me to get rid of my books...
(They're everywhere. Super messy xD )
I've read all of them,, but I don't know how could I get rid ALL of them.
Me don't want to throw away great books :C
*le wild idea come*
I'll just sell ALL the books! But how? And where? ._.
Hmm. I have no idea why I'm so obsessed -___-
Dammit. Ah yes and I have something that I want to tell to you all...
Well actually my mom asked me to get rid of my books...
(They're everywhere. Super messy xD )
I've read all of them,, but I don't know how could I get rid ALL of them.
Me don't want to throw away great books :C
*le wild idea come*
I'll just sell ALL the books! But how? And where? ._.
Hmm. I have no idea why I'm so obsessed -___-
Dammit. Ah yes and I have something that I want to tell to you all...
This (half) post is dedicated for you, bro :)
Today, my "brother" moved to America, to continue his study there ;_;
Sorry if I don't have anything to give or to say..
You go too fast, bro. So, this is all I could present to you...
Rage comic! yaaaay~ *clap like a retarded seal*
Be a proud asian there, okay? Be less retarded... *whoops*
Waiting towards seiing you again AS SOON AS POSSIBRU!
PS : if you find any meme shirt, don't forget to buy me one, kay? muahahahaha >D
Good luck, AWE! Sayonara~
-day 106-
Wow! ;) Now I'm writing daily, eh? ._.
Well this is holiday.... Staying at home for 13 hours (the other 11 used for sleep xD) wasn't really that cool,, so....
Decided to spend ALL my time online! LOL
And I found many interesting things...
Like my long-lost hobby!
It's called "PTC" (well some of you might already been doing this, but I'll just keep writing though ;D )
Paid to Click. You click & view ads for less than a minute..
And you get paid! As simple as that, you know.
Don't expect too much though, no pain, no gain. xD
But, if you are an internet addict and don't know what to do...
This thing worth trying ;)
To do this, you need :
1. A paypal account (doesn't need to be verified)
2. Register to these trusted PTC sites (no, they won't scam)
1. Clixsense
Up since 2007, short viewing time, up to $0,02 per click
2. Neobux
Up since 2008, short-medium viewing time, up to $0,015 per click
3. Wordlinx
Up since 2003 (wow), short viewing time, up to $0,02 per click
4. Openbux
Up since 2011 (kinda new, huh?), short-medium viewing time, up to $0,02 per click
Up since 2005, short viewing time, up to $0,02 per click
For me, it's from the most promising (and interesting; clixsense has free games! LOL) to the least one (small amount of clickable ads, standard template)
Still looking for more sites, though. If you do have more, don't hestitate to tell me ;)
Anyways, you could earn money not only from clicking ads, but from referring too :)
Well, gotta go though. Turns out that we'll have our dinner at the mall (as always)
See you later :)
-day 105-
It's christmas!
I don't know. this year I didn't feel christmas T_T
Whether I'm getting worse and farther from God...
Argh. I wish I could celebrate christmas like I did years ago..
When I was just a innocent child and don't have any of these thinkings..
Gah. :( Being mocked by everybody wasn't really that nice...
I guess all I could wish for this christmas is just to have my faith back..
Yes, I am speaking nonsense. Yes, I do nothing.
I COULD do NOTHING. I just..... Don't know :(
It's like I want to scream for help but nobody hears me :(
I don't know. this year I didn't feel christmas T_T
Whether I'm getting worse and farther from God...
Argh. I wish I could celebrate christmas like I did years ago..
When I was just a innocent child and don't have any of these thinkings..
Gah. :( Being mocked by everybody wasn't really that nice...
I guess all I could wish for this christmas is just to have my faith back..
Yes, I am speaking nonsense. Yes, I do nothing.
I COULD do NOTHING. I just..... Don't know :(
It's like I want to scream for help but nobody hears me :(
-day 104-
I am baaaaackkkk!!! \m/
And last 3 days were the most awesome camp I've ever had!
*well this is the first camp I joined sih..*
Sorry if I can't tell what happened there..
Too many great things to tell LOL
But,, now I'm very exhausted and kinda sad..
Don't know if it just me or somebody's getting a new friend...
And leaving me behind *frowns*
Yaaa I know I'm getting silly and whatever,,
I just don't know :( :(
Aaaaaa okay enough of this! T_T
Okay I lost my mood to write ._.
See you later all T_T
And last 3 days were the most awesome camp I've ever had!
*well this is the first camp I joined sih..*
Sorry if I can't tell what happened there..
Too many great things to tell LOL
But,, now I'm very exhausted and kinda sad..
Don't know if it just me or somebody's getting a new friend...
And leaving me behind *frowns*
Yaaa I know I'm getting silly and whatever,,
I just don't know :( :(
Aaaaaa okay enough of this! T_T
Okay I lost my mood to write ._.
See you later all T_T
-day 103-
Yah at last,,, things got better :')
Found ideas, apologized, and lots more :')
Spent my day together @ GI...
Eating mochi ice cream and wine ice cream...
Although that report card really...... awfully undescribeable..
And there're hundred of problems that want to make me explode. meh.
At least I still see signs of hope :')
Anyways... I'll be leaving my beloved laptop for 3 days ;_;
Yes, all electronic devices (including iPods, laptops, and even phones are forbidden)
-_- So I guess I won't be able to post until Friday :(
But when Friday comes, I'll tell you about that camp...
(hopefully) It'll be F U N! *fingerscrossed*
See you soon guys,,
And enjoy your once a year christmas holiday!
Yah at last,,, things got better :')
Found ideas, apologized, and lots more :')
Spent my day together @ GI...
Eating mochi ice cream and wine ice cream...
Although that report card really...... awfully undescribeable..
And there're hundred of problems that want to make me explode. meh.
At least I still see signs of hope :')
Anyways... I'll be leaving my beloved laptop for 3 days ;_;
Yes, all electronic devices (including iPods, laptops, and even phones are forbidden)
-_- So I guess I won't be able to post until Friday :(
But when Friday comes, I'll tell you about that camp...
(hopefully) It'll be F U N! *fingerscrossed*
See you soon guys,,
And enjoy your once a year christmas holiday!
-day 102-
Hey :D
Quite a great day, I must say.
This morning, we have our first (let's say) performance on TV :p
And we should say.....
It was a successful ;;)
But then.....
I don't know what happened, but I was so tired and exhausted.
And dizzy too -_-
So I decided to skip the 'LDK OSIS' :( :(
And then I slept (or collapsed?) from noon until 18.00! -_-
When I woke, this laptop (finally) can be used again ~
(Well this is the reason why I didn't post for days...)
Okay, gotta go. Suddenly forget what I'm going to write -_-
Quite a great day, I must say.
This morning, we have our first (let's say) performance on TV :p
And we should say.....
It was a successful ;;)
But then.....
I don't know what happened, but I was so tired and exhausted.
And dizzy too -_-
So I decided to skip the 'LDK OSIS' :( :(
And then I slept (or collapsed?) from noon until 18.00! -_-
When I woke, this laptop (finally) can be used again ~
(Well this is the reason why I didn't post for days...)
Okay, gotta go. Suddenly forget what I'm going to write -_-
-day 101-
Changed my title format. LOL
That's not important though.
What matters most :
That's not important though.
What matters most :
We've survived through the term 1 tests!! YAY!
Yahhh I know that I'm not pleasing my parents...
But at least this's over already! \m/
Yahh. no necessary thing to tell today.
Just want to celebrate this freedom yeaaa \m/
But at least this's over already! \m/
Yahh. no necessary thing to tell today.
Just want to celebrate this freedom yeaaa \m/
-the 100th day-
Officially 16 by today~!!!!!
I'm just sooooo happy!
Although I have to 'celebrate' my birthday with this Final Test...
(It happens every year ;_; )
I'm still happy and grateful, despite of this unpleasant physics and civics and chemistry and english...
I'm serious, I have failed ALL. T_T
And yes, I've planned to post my 100th post on my birthday ;;)
Well, this year's waaaaaaaay better than the last ones, ofcourse :)
Being noticed by family and friends... :)
Best one : xxxxx. not gonna tell it here, but it sure does lit my mood !
Anyway, sorry,, I can't finish my 'special something' for this 100th post..
This test is killing me fosho -_-
I hope I could finish this before christmas.. Kay? :)
Thanks for visiting and reading anyways :)
I'm just sooooo happy!
Although I have to 'celebrate' my birthday with this Final Test...
(It happens every year ;_; )
I'm still happy and grateful, despite of this unpleasant physics and civics and chemistry and english...
I'm serious, I have failed ALL. T_T
And yes, I've planned to post my 100th post on my birthday ;;)
Well, this year's waaaaaaaay better than the last ones, ofcourse :)
Being noticed by family and friends... :)
Best one : xxxxx. not gonna tell it here, but it sure does lit my mood !
Anyway, sorry,, I can't finish my 'special something' for this 100th post..
This test is killing me fosho -_-
I hope I could finish this before christmas.. Kay? :)
Thanks for visiting and reading anyways :)
-mezzanines; random post-
Hi :)
It's the last day before final exam T_T
AND. Shits do happen, huh?
If you guys know, I've been suffering from this cough and cold since friday..
And when I woke up this morning..
I went to toilet and coughed.
Guess what I saw.
hellyeah. a lump of blood -_- damnit.
This cough is worse enough, y u no get better???
Now with this bloody cough I have fat chance to be completely healed by tomorrow.
And I haven't studied anything!!!! T_T
Sheesh :'( I guess I'll fail tomorrow T_T
It's the last day before final exam T_T
AND. Shits do happen, huh?
If you guys know, I've been suffering from this cough and cold since friday..
And when I woke up this morning..
I went to toilet and coughed.
Guess what I saw.
hellyeah. a lump of blood -_- damnit.
This cough is worse enough, y u no get better???
Now with this bloody cough I have fat chance to be completely healed by tomorrow.
And I haven't studied anything!!!! T_T
Sheesh :'( I guess I'll fail tomorrow T_T
-the 99th day-
Hi all..
Just been through an awful week :(
and today's the worst day I've ever had D:
You know, last weeks were absolutely full of test..
AND. My score's like this
It's been some months since my last remedial(s)...
And now I have 3 waiting for me T_T
(It's english, maths, and chem D:)
Yes, that explains one of lots reason why I'm extra sad today :(
Another reason is this workshop thing...
I feel like I can't give my best contribution.. Or even worst :(
It's like I'm letting everyone's expectations down today...
I'm still lucky to have these caring friends though :D
I wouldn't be here today if you (all) weren't supporting me :')
So, thanks a lot :) :) :)
And yes, I know that I've been a bad, bad friend...
But I promise I'll try my best to be more mature and better friend..
Yes, I need your help(s) xD Thanks before, though (eh??)
ENOUGH!!! See you guys later at the 100th post!
Just been through an awful week :(
and today's the worst day I've ever had D:
You know, last weeks were absolutely full of test..
AND. My score's like this
Me... Frustated :( |
And now I have 3 waiting for me T_T
(It's english, maths, and chem D:)
Yes, that explains one of lots reason why I'm extra sad today :(
Another reason is this workshop thing...
I feel like I can't give my best contribution.. Or even worst :(
It's like I'm letting everyone's expectations down today...
I'm still lucky to have these caring friends though :D
I wouldn't be here today if you (all) weren't supporting me :')
So, thanks a lot :) :) :)
And yes, I know that I've been a bad, bad friend...
But I promise I'll try my best to be more mature and better friend..
Yes, I need your help(s) xD Thanks before, though (eh??)
ENOUGH!!! See you guys later at the 100th post!
-the 98th day-
Hai. Been through a bad day :c
I never thought that changing someone's DP (for fun, anyway) could lead into this -kinda- massive disaster. ERGH.
Ya I used to do this "bajak" thingy sih, so I never thought that she'll cry T_T
I never meant to make her cry... Nor to settle things down with her...
(Remember my post about the committee thing? It's the same person anyway)
And then come this person who asked about her.
So I told him.. From this thing until what happened inside my house.
About my mom. About my life. GEEZ!!
Never imagined that I'll tell this to this person .______.
Yaa I rarely do this 'curhat' to boys who aren't that close to me sih....
DX geeez I guess my image's shattered now...
Ah. T_T
Sorry for this unimportant post anyway... Have nowhere to write x(
I never thought that changing someone's DP (for fun, anyway) could lead into this -kinda- massive disaster. ERGH.
Ya I used to do this "bajak" thingy sih, so I never thought that she'll cry T_T
I never meant to make her cry... Nor to settle things down with her...
(Remember my post about the committee thing? It's the same person anyway)
And then come this person who asked about her.
So I told him.. From this thing until what happened inside my house.
About my mom. About my life. GEEZ!!
Never imagined that I'll tell this to this person .______.
Yaa I rarely do this 'curhat' to boys who aren't that close to me sih....
DX geeez I guess my image's shattered now...
Ah. T_T
Sorry for this unimportant post anyway... Have nowhere to write x(
-the 97th day-
Hell-oh! :D
Having some random thoughts lately...
I wrote around 90++ things about boys..
And here's some :
A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.
Guys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention.
A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn’t mean that the guy likes her.
A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
Guys’ fantasies are unlimited.
When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl. He really is.
When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he’s just actually saying, “Please come and listen to me”
A guy may instantly know if the girl likes him but can never be sure unless the girl tells him.
When a guy looks at you, either he’s amazed of you or he’s criticizing you.
If a guy says you’re beautiful, that guy likes you.
LOL. Just random-ing around, kay?
Anyway... These thingy annoyed me enough...
-_- Y u have no other time to reach my ears?
Last time, I heard bad news just before the physics exam (but luckily I passed)
Now, I heard a news (I don't know whether this is good or bad) just before this chemistry exam..... NOEEEEES!!!
Really something ya (sesuatu banget #fail)
Okay, gotta get goin' because I haven't started studying yet...
See ya!
My friend taught me how to make an origami heart..
And when I see this photo,, I don't know why my parents "showed up" inside my mind.
So I decided to spent my freetime by making some :D
![]() |
Isn't it lovely? :p |
Then I cried. Tears that come from scars left by my parents years ago...
So I decided to make a post dedicated to my past...
Anyway. There's something about the color of these hearts..
Like the middle one, I pick green with red-flowery inside.
Sometimes I'm too focused to my goals (which is about money; represented by green)
But I also could fall in love, like what I feel now...
And like the right one, black with orange inside..
Black? Dark? EVIL? Sometimes people describes me as a cruel stone-hearted disbeliever..
But still, I have that small-insignificant cheerful part of me who wants to be God's good girl ;)
For the left one, I made it when I feel damn random (that's why this post's title is random)
So, please enjoy and keep reading! ;)
-the 96th day-
Hi all :D Just got back from this 3 days retreat :D
Well.. If I'm not mistaken, I've been complaining about this retreat from several weeks-or months ago...
Well.. If I'm not mistaken, I've been complaining about this retreat from several weeks-or months ago...
But this doesn't turn out to be like what I've expected.
It wasn't as good (neither as bad) as I thought.
The sessions were great (not really that stuffed by bible - based on faith thingy) and applicable. But too bad... Some of those aren't really that exciting T_T
Based from what I've heard from neighboring group (we're all divided into 4 huge groups) that their sessions were fun and exciting. Lots of games...
And about the dedication service (yes, that cry-all-night session), I find it didn't make me touched at all... Kinda fail, I guess..
BUT! I love the 3rd day! We spent all day playing outside~
We won the 2nd place among 28 teams! *cheers*
We won the 2nd place among 28 teams! *cheers*
And about the accommodation... Better if we not talk about that ._.
It's the place that p4 (3 years ago) use to do "Character Building"
-_- With the orphanage style bunk bed (occupied by me + extra bedbugs xD )
It's not really a place you want to stay sih ._.
Yahhh, anyway. When I reach home my parents show this package- addressed to me.
I don't know who sent this, but still, thanks a lot :D
And since I got home.. I felt somehow strange.
I can't get angry to my parents :o (fyi, I usually get angry to my parents about small things)
Maybe this retreat has changed me a little bit :D
-the 95th day-
Heyyaa.. :(
Life's quite rough lately...
Just faced a week full (okay it's more than a week) of tests, and it's driving me crazy!
Like these tests and tasks aren't stressing enough...
Yesterday's just daaaaamn awful.
1. It's the night before FR's work and energy test (yes, FR's test always be my worst nightmare)
2. Mood messed up by a problem. A small problem that grows into a enormous one -_-
3. Failed today's physics test. damnit! Either we need more time or whatever. And the thing is I didn't have any single chance to cheat :( *eh??* poor me.
Yaaaaaah. But still, despite of those bad things, lots of great things happened too :D
Like this one :
Always been wanting this since months, and my parents bought it 'miraculously' for me :D
They said that it's just a gift, to appreciate my effort(s) :D So confused yet so happy ^^
Yah, even now I haven't finished packing for this sort-of-wasting-time-thingy : retreat.
So I guess I better get going! :D See you guys later!
Life's quite rough lately...
Just faced a week full (okay it's more than a week) of tests, and it's driving me crazy!
Like these tests and tasks aren't stressing enough...
Yesterday's just daaaaamn awful.
1. It's the night before FR's work and energy test (yes, FR's test always be my worst nightmare)
2. Mood messed up by a problem. A small problem that grows into a enormous one -_-
3. Failed today's physics test. damnit! Either we need more time or whatever. And the thing is I didn't have any single chance to cheat :( *eh??* poor me.
Yaaaaaah. But still, despite of those bad things, lots of great things happened too :D
Like this one :
![]() |
My new Red 500GB external HD :D |
They said that it's just a gift, to appreciate my effort(s) :D So confused yet so happy ^^
Yah, even now I haven't finished packing for this sort-of-wasting-time-thingy : retreat.
So I guess I better get going! :D See you guys later!
-the 94th day-
Hi all :D Long time no see, huh?
Sorry... Lately we're so damn busy with our annual cup...
Nope, not that. I'm just super tired..
But at least we're having so much FUN!!!
And I'm quite sure that nobody wants this week to end ;_;
Although our last night (it's this SATURDAY!!!!) will be the best night of the year (yeahhh \m/)
Because we'll spend it with RAN, GLENN FREDLY, and PETRA SIHOMBING!!
YEAAAAAY ~ *applauds*
But today's quite great too! Watching celebrities playing basketball isn't one ordinary thing.
And the allstars are handsome too <3 like number 4, 11, and 13 :D :D
Yaaaaaah sometimes it's hard to find pleasing-to-see faces here ;_;
I'm feeling happy today, btw.
Ya, like everyone else, I love getting compliments :D
And I got lots of it today xD thanks for improving my mood guys ^^
Last 3 lines are just for fun, fyi :p
Sorry... Lately we're so damn busy with our annual cup...
Nope, not that. I'm just super tired..
But at least we're having so much FUN!!!
And I'm quite sure that nobody wants this week to end ;_;
Although our last night (it's this SATURDAY!!!!) will be the best night of the year (yeahhh \m/)
Because we'll spend it with RAN, GLENN FREDLY, and PETRA SIHOMBING!!
YEAAAAAY ~ *applauds*
But today's quite great too! Watching celebrities playing basketball isn't one ordinary thing.
And the allstars are handsome too <3 like number 4, 11, and 13 :D :D
Yaaaaaah sometimes it's hard to find pleasing-to-see faces here ;_;
I'm feeling happy today, btw.
Ya, like everyone else, I love getting compliments :D
And I got lots of it today xD thanks for improving my mood guys ^^
Last 3 lines are just for fun, fyi :p
-the 93rd day-
Great day, no?
Well.... It WAS a great day..
Especially with this awesome opening of smakONE cup 2011; WONDERWORKS !!
And two great games by kr1za futsal team, SMAK 1A and SMAK 1B!
Everything turned out just damn good (y)
But I'm awfully exhausted... x(
Never reach home before 20.00 pm since monday...
Now my whole body's aching T_T
Actually I have something to talk about here.
I canceled posting my opinion. I'm just too frustated... -_______-
Well, thanks to him now I have this new motto :
But starting today I'll be holding on that sentence... (switch)
Supaya gw bisa sabar dan tetep 'tabah' walau diperlakukan kurang senonoh #eh
What makes me stay smiling is just this stupid thinking :
'God has planned this for us, His children, and He won't give us something we can't bear. Everything He gave / will give is the best for us, and to make us grow stronger and closer to Him.'
LOL. I don't have any idea why I could say such a thing.. xD
Great day, no?
Well.... It WAS a great day..
Especially with this awesome opening of smakONE cup 2011; WONDERWORKS !!
And two great games by kr1za futsal team, SMAK 1A and SMAK 1B!
Everything turned out just damn good (y)
But I'm awfully exhausted... x(
Never reach home before 20.00 pm since monday...
Now my whole body's aching T_T
Actually I have something to talk about here.
I canceled posting my opinion. I'm just too frustated... -_______-
Well, thanks to him now I have this new motto :
" To lead is to serve"LOL. I don't know (and don't care) whether the grammar is correct or not.
But starting today I'll be holding on that sentence... (switch)
Supaya gw bisa sabar dan tetep 'tabah' walau diperlakukan kurang senonoh #eh
What makes me stay smiling is just this stupid thinking :
'God has planned this for us, His children, and He won't give us something we can't bear. Everything He gave / will give is the best for us, and to make us grow stronger and closer to Him.'
LOL. I don't have any idea why I could say such a thing.. xD
-the 92nd day-
Hey guys. Can't believe how awful my mood is right now ;_;
Just because of this 'little' unimportant matter.. -_-
Yes, I'm the only one who didn't competent enough to be this retreat committee.
Well I have to admit that I'm not really into those thingy though.
But being the only person who doesn't get chosen... Bothers me.
Am I really that bad? I don't know lah..
AAAAAAANDDDDDD when I'm in the middle of depression...
Comes the second problem ;_;
I am indeed love to tease other..
And I know when I'm teasing sometimes I lost control...
I thought you won't get angry like this...
All I can do is just apologizing and not repeating this anymore..
But I have no ability to force you to forgive me though..
Yes, I realized that lately you're trying to restrain from me..
Why I didn't aware? I don't know...
I'm losing 2 friends in a day. Great.
I don't know whether I was destined to be a disturbing person or I'm getting worse and worse everyday...
Geez. Sorry for this unimportant post.. I'm having nobody to listen. T_T
Just because of this 'little' unimportant matter.. -_-
Yes, I'm the only one who didn't competent enough to be this retreat committee.
Well I have to admit that I'm not really into those thingy though.
But being the only person who doesn't get chosen... Bothers me.
Am I really that bad? I don't know lah..
AAAAAAANDDDDDD when I'm in the middle of depression...
Comes the second problem ;_;
I am indeed love to tease other..
And I know when I'm teasing sometimes I lost control...
I thought you won't get angry like this...
All I can do is just apologizing and not repeating this anymore..
But I have no ability to force you to forgive me though..
Yes, I realized that lately you're trying to restrain from me..
Why I didn't aware? I don't know...
I'm losing 2 friends in a day. Great.
I don't know whether I was destined to be a disturbing person or I'm getting worse and worse everyday...
Geez. Sorry for this unimportant post.. I'm having nobody to listen. T_T
-the 91st day-
Heyya all! :)
Sorry for (again) my late post...
Actually I want to post this @ friday night .___.
And now, there's too many topics that I want to tell...
Here's some which I consider quite important :
1. Our physics test, the one which need ONLY ONE MORE student to reach the minimum criteria of classical has failed to do so. It's quite normal actually, BUT what makes this one painful is because lots of student cheats their way into that un-remedial scores. Because of their immorality and egoism, we (ones who didn't cheat and failed) lost our chance to do the test once more -_- thanks a lot. -__- Sincerely, I got 37/100 but I didn't cheat.
2. My parents were really disappointed with my mid-term results :(
Although I've tried my best (what?? I haven't, really) but they kept asking for more!
I wonder how could I make them smile -_______-
3. I'm getting more confused about this university thingy.
After yesterday's edufair, I added some majors and unis I wish to enroll to -___-
It's HKU, HKUST, NUS, AtmaJaya, and PrasMul (okay almost everyone says 'WTF' about this one)
4. I missed church today and I feel somewhat.... Guilty.
I don't know whether this is a good or bad sign for my 'spiritual' (eh?) progress? LOL.
5. I'm falling deeper and deeper for him.... OHNOES!!!!
Yes, I don't know if it's just me or he's starting to care ;)
Everything is beautiful when you're falling in love <3
Sorry for (again) my late post...
Actually I want to post this @ friday night .___.
And now, there's too many topics that I want to tell...
Here's some which I consider quite important :
1. Our physics test, the one which need ONLY ONE MORE student to reach the minimum criteria of classical has failed to do so. It's quite normal actually, BUT what makes this one painful is because lots of student cheats their way into that un-remedial scores. Because of their immorality and egoism, we (ones who didn't cheat and failed) lost our chance to do the test once more -_- thanks a lot. -__- Sincerely, I got 37/100 but I didn't cheat.
2. My parents were really disappointed with my mid-term results :(
Although I've tried my best (what?? I haven't, really) but they kept asking for more!
I wonder how could I make them smile -_______-
3. I'm getting more confused about this university thingy.
After yesterday's edufair, I added some majors and unis I wish to enroll to -___-
It's HKU, HKUST, NUS, AtmaJaya, and PrasMul (okay almost everyone says 'WTF' about this one)
4. I missed church today and I feel somewhat.... Guilty.
I don't know whether this is a good or bad sign for my 'spiritual' (eh?) progress? LOL.
5. I'm falling deeper and deeper for him.... OHNOES!!!!
Yes, I don't know if it's just me or he's starting to care ;)
Everything is beautiful when you're falling in love <3
-the 90th day-
Hey all :)
Once again, life's been great for me lately :D
Yesterday I went to church. (ihwaw whut happened?) xD
And again, as always, I cried.
I'm getting gushier -_-a azzt.
I prayed that God would help me to believe and etc.. Let's see what will happen :p
This morning, I went to church AGAIN (okay this is getting strange)
But this time, it's GKY not a catholic church (went there with my friend to attend a lecture)
Yah. Not important. After that I spent around 1 hour cello-ing.....
And today I started to play THE SWAN!! :') :')
Just FYI, this song is my favorite among all.. It always reminds me of him.. ;_;
After that... I went 'home'. But, somehow I read my friend's bbm stats (yes, same person I went to the lecture with)
So I asked my dad to turn back to CP. LOL.
There, I attended a lecture (again) brought by Bong Chandra.
Andddddd I found this program is interesting and quite promising :D
Want to know more? Just visit this Bong Chandra School of Billionaire ^^
Actually my dad considers my attendance @ this lecture as a 'miracle' by God. LOL
Well I have to admit that this is a coincidence. Who knows, tho? :p
Once again, life's been great for me lately :D
Yesterday I went to church. (ihwaw whut happened?) xD
And again, as always, I cried.
I'm getting gushier -_-a azzt.
I prayed that God would help me to believe and etc.. Let's see what will happen :p
This morning, I went to church AGAIN (okay this is getting strange)
But this time, it's GKY not a catholic church (went there with my friend to attend a lecture)
Yah. Not important. After that I spent around 1 hour cello-ing.....
And today I started to play THE SWAN!! :') :')
Just FYI, this song is my favorite among all.. It always reminds me of him.. ;_;
After that... I went 'home'. But, somehow I read my friend's bbm stats (yes, same person I went to the lecture with)
So I asked my dad to turn back to CP. LOL.
There, I attended a lecture (again) brought by Bong Chandra.
Andddddd I found this program is interesting and quite promising :D
Want to know more? Just visit this Bong Chandra School of Billionaire ^^
Actually my dad considers my attendance @ this lecture as a 'miracle' by God. LOL
Well I have to admit that this is a coincidence. Who knows, tho? :p
-the 89th day-
Hey guys :D
I'm just 100% happy today ^^
Although now my whole body's aching,, but it worth the fun :p
Yes, we went to Bandung for our science (or social) camp :D
I thought it'd be utter boring -_- but I have to admit that these 2 days were awsum! \m/
And spending a night (thanks God it's just one night) together inside a tent was great :D
Interesting, well-planned.. Delicious bunch of foods. (y)
And actually, LOTS happened. But of course I can't write all of them here..
So I choose this one : one that happened on our way to Bandung.
I forgot how we start debating (again, as always) about this faith, God, and religion thingy.
And we taaaaaaaalked. Till we 'arrived' at this sensitive topic.
It's about my 'haha' -_- (no, not my piggy laugh xD )
I was telling my friends about what my 'haha' has done to me.. When I began to cry. -_-
Yes, lots has happened. And 'replaying' all of them in one day wasn't really a great idea..
But I feel so much better after that :D thanks a lot for listening :')
Anyway.. I'm considering about making a post fully dedicated about 'why I become like this?' xD
I know it sounds stupid. But let's give it a shot ;)
I'm just 100% happy today ^^
Although now my whole body's aching,, but it worth the fun :p
Yes, we went to Bandung for our science (or social) camp :D
I thought it'd be utter boring -_- but I have to admit that these 2 days were awsum! \m/
And spending a night (thanks God it's just one night) together inside a tent was great :D
Interesting, well-planned.. Delicious bunch of foods. (y)
And actually, LOTS happened. But of course I can't write all of them here..
So I choose this one : one that happened on our way to Bandung.
I forgot how we start debating (again, as always) about this faith, God, and religion thingy.
And we taaaaaaaalked. Till we 'arrived' at this sensitive topic.
It's about my 'haha' -_- (no, not my piggy laugh xD )
I was telling my friends about what my 'haha' has done to me.. When I began to cry. -_-
Yes, lots has happened. And 'replaying' all of them in one day wasn't really a great idea..
But I feel so much better after that :D thanks a lot for listening :')
Anyway.. I'm considering about making a post fully dedicated about 'why I become like this?' xD
I know it sounds stupid. But let's give it a shot ;)
-the 88th day-
Hey guys. Sorry for my (again) late post -_-
Thanks to my 'amazing' laptop, I'm getting crazy here.
Yeah, my laptop's an antisocial now. It won't connect to the internet, nor to my iPod. GRRR
AAAAAH! And now I know that this virus attacked my laptop....
Anyway, I went to the mall with my classmates yesterday :D
Even though I was late.. Really late. Yeah.
But I watched Final Destination 5 tho :D
And I kinda regretted. Scares me to my bone! -_-
Another thing I want to share.. Well I ended my mid-term tests with this failing biologay score ;_;
And I failed math + chem too! aaaaaaah T,T
But who cares? At least I had some fun.. *comforting self*
And yes, this world's damn small, huh?
It's like everyone around me knowsm each other..
Like this one, which shocked me almost till death #eh -_-
Thanks to my 'amazing' laptop, I'm getting crazy here.
Yeah, my laptop's an antisocial now. It won't connect to the internet, nor to my iPod. GRRR
AAAAAH! And now I know that this virus attacked my laptop....
Anyway, I went to the mall with my classmates yesterday :D
Even though I was late.. Really late. Yeah.
But I watched Final Destination 5 tho :D
And I kinda regretted. Scares me to my bone! -_-
Another thing I want to share.. Well I ended my mid-term tests with this failing biologay score ;_;
And I failed math + chem too! aaaaaaah T,T
But who cares? At least I had some fun.. *comforting self*
And yes, this world's damn small, huh?
It's like everyone around me knowsm each other..
Like this one, which shocked me almost till death #eh -_-
-the 87th day-
hey guys. I felt 100% random today, thanks to that dreaded chemistry test.
I never felt this frustated before.. T_T
I don't know why this happened. Because of my effrontery yesterday, maybe? :(
Anyway, I made a summary for religion's chap 1-5..
You could download it HERE
Feel free to download. Just in the mood to share LOL x)
I never felt this frustated before.. T_T
I don't know why this happened. Because of my effrontery yesterday, maybe? :(
Anyway, I made a summary for religion's chap 1-5..
You could download it HERE
Feel free to download. Just in the mood to share LOL x)
-the 86th day-
Hi guys. Sorry for my extra-long absence :<
I've been through some hard time lately..
T_T especially at school...
MY TEST RESULTS!!! Geez -__-
Hyah. Just 14 months here @ smakone and I've found 2 grey hair ;A;
Anyway. Remember that I've told ya about my problem?
Just yesterday I said 'I'm considering about changing into an atheist'
And then, it's like suddenly someone's talking about meh. LUL.
I have to underline the word -->'CONSIDERING' Okayyyy???? -____-
And just hours after that my dad suddenly asked me to go to church today. -,-
And there... Yes I was somewhat touched. As always.
But.. You know, my brain and my heart are 'fighting' right now.
It's like :
Okay. Let's just put that aside and talk about something less.. Strange.
Today my dad let me learn to drive.. Legally for the first time!!!! \m/
Why legally? Because I've 'stolen' the car and tried to drive it without permission. LOL.
AAAAAND.. It turns out that I've forgot how to drive properly and gave my dad some heart attack.
I almost crashed into cars several times. But thankfully I finished the practice without giving my car any damage LOL x)
And I'm not very sure I could write more for this week... Because of this stupid mid-term test T_T Wish me luck! x)
I've been through some hard time lately..
T_T especially at school...
MY TEST RESULTS!!! Geez -__-
Hyah. Just 14 months here @ smakone and I've found 2 grey hair ;A;
Anyway. Remember that I've told ya about my problem?
Just yesterday I said 'I'm considering about changing into an atheist'
And then, it's like suddenly someone's talking about meh. LUL.
I have to underline the word -->'CONSIDERING' Okayyyy???? -____-
And just hours after that my dad suddenly asked me to go to church today. -,-
And there... Yes I was somewhat touched. As always.
But.. You know, my brain and my heart are 'fighting' right now.
It's like :
My brain : "NONSENSE! Don't think irrationally! No such thing could even exist without any evidence! And there's no proof that God does exist, kay? It's just some people's imagination so they could have 'Someone' to be worshiped and blamed."
My Heart :"you know He's there waiting for you, even after what you've said.. Why don't you try to open your heart?"Yes, I'm stuck between my rational thinking and my conscience -_-
Okay. Let's just put that aside and talk about something less.. Strange.
Today my dad let me learn to drive.. Legally for the first time!!!! \m/
Why legally? Because I've 'stolen' the car and tried to drive it without permission. LOL.
AAAAAND.. It turns out that I've forgot how to drive properly and gave my dad some heart attack.
I almost crashed into cars several times. But thankfully I finished the practice without giving my car any damage LOL x)
And I'm not very sure I could write more for this week... Because of this stupid mid-term test T_T Wish me luck! x)
-the 85th day-
Azt. Sorry for my late post..
Lost my mood to write..
Yaaaaaaaaa yesterday I somewhat fought with my mom. As always.
But this time I think my mom's a little (okay not a little) over act.
I just asked her permission to go with my friend and she talked and talked and talked about unnecessary things and accused me about approximately everything she could say -_-
So tired. And when I called my friend, my daddy caught (whutt??)
And they got angry about it. -_____-
Wonders what so wrong with me or them. -_-
Hahh.. (switch) dannnn akhirnya gua gak pergi juga. Odong.
Sebenernya seinget gua sih ada yang mau gw omongin lagii.
Entah ttg that 'someone' or somebody else -_-
But thanks to that problem I've forgot it -_- HA!
Lost my mood to write..
Yaaaaaaaaa yesterday I somewhat fought with my mom. As always.
But this time I think my mom's a little (okay not a little) over act.
I just asked her permission to go with my friend and she talked and talked and talked about unnecessary things and accused me about approximately everything she could say -_-
So tired. And when I called my friend, my daddy caught (whutt??)
And they got angry about it. -_____-
Wonders what so wrong with me or them. -_-
Hahh.. (switch) dannnn akhirnya gua gak pergi juga. Odong.
Sebenernya seinget gua sih ada yang mau gw omongin lagii.
Entah ttg that 'someone' or somebody else -_-
But thanks to that problem I've forgot it -_- HA!
-the 84th day-
Heyya :D I know that tomorrow's the first physics test...
Damn so deadly x_x..
But I can't resist to check how's my blog going...
And I'm somewhat shocked when I saw that traffic sources. LOL
Ya, someone used this keyword --> "pieches SMAK 1"
Well, I laughed out lout. Really. (^_^)v
Anyway... Lately I've been spending lots of time just to think about this one topic.
"Does God really exist?"
Aaaaaand this 4 words grow into hundreds of question(s). Great.
I know it's not good to doubt your God's existence. But still...
There's no scientific proof about His existence. Only faith, religion, whatsoever.
FYI, I'm not really into un-scientific things. Yes, I've doubted and tried too seek logical explanations for those they call 'miracles' and things that they said 'happened with His help'.
*sigh* Can't believe I wrote those.
And I've been thinking about being an atheist (WHAT?????)
But I throwed that idea away. FAAARRRAWAY.
-_____- Felt like half of me wants to be close with God..
But the other half is dragging me away, and wants me to be an atheist.
Having this 'great tussle' (whut de??) inside annoys me damn much.
I should be studying physics right now, but I can't -_-
Better get goin. See ya :D
Damn so deadly x_x..
But I can't resist to check how's my blog going...
And I'm somewhat shocked when I saw that traffic sources. LOL
Ya, someone used this keyword --> "pieches SMAK 1"
Well, I laughed out lout. Really. (^_^)v
Anyway... Lately I've been spending lots of time just to think about this one topic.
"Does God really exist?"
Aaaaaand this 4 words grow into hundreds of question(s). Great.
I know it's not good to doubt your God's existence. But still...
There's no scientific proof about His existence. Only faith, religion, whatsoever.
FYI, I'm not really into un-scientific things. Yes, I've doubted and tried too seek logical explanations for those they call 'miracles' and things that they said 'happened with His help'.
*sigh* Can't believe I wrote those.
And I've been thinking about being an atheist (WHAT?????)
But I throwed that idea away. FAAARRRAWAY.
-_____- Felt like half of me wants to be close with God..
But the other half is dragging me away, and wants me to be an atheist.
Having this 'great tussle' (whut de??) inside annoys me damn much.
I should be studying physics right now, but I can't -_-
Better get goin. See ya :D
-the 83rd day-
Hi :D
Facebook seems so addicting to me nowadays..
Especially because I found this game called "The Sims Social"
LOL. Yaaah you know I'm a H-U-G-E fans of these simulation games.
Ah. Actually that's not really that important sih. Hahaha.
Tomorrow's our independence day celebration! BUT
Instead of coming to school only to have fun, we have this history test. -_-
But still better than those poor 10th grader who'll have 2 tests tomorrow. LOL
And still, not grateful.. We're not studying for tomorrow, but we keep protesting about that out-of-humanity scheduled test.
Hmmm, lately someone has occupied a lot of space in my brain.
I hope he won't take that space in my heart too. <3 aaaa
Yes, I'm freaking out. These 'what if' questions keep running on my mind.
Facebook seems so addicting to me nowadays..
Especially because I found this game called "The Sims Social"
LOL. Yaaah you know I'm a H-U-G-E fans of these simulation games.
Ah. Actually that's not really that important sih. Hahaha.
Tomorrow's our independence day celebration! BUT
Instead of coming to school only to have fun, we have this history test. -_-
But still better than those poor 10th grader who'll have 2 tests tomorrow. LOL
And still, not grateful.. We're not studying for tomorrow, but we keep protesting about that out-of-humanity scheduled test.
Hmmm, lately someone has occupied a lot of space in my brain.
I hope he won't take that space in my heart too. <3 aaaa
Yes, I'm freaking out. These 'what if' questions keep running on my mind.
-the 82nd day-
Damn! This should be the 83rd day.
But, thanks to my iPod who failed to send that post...
*sigh* I'm so sorry that I can't post that often....
HWs and tests... AAAAAA *stressed*
Gyah. Anw, I have LOTSSSSS to tell! \m/
Most of them 'r good ;)
Yes, life's been great to me lately. Somewhat too great (?)
So strange :O but so happy :D :D
Here's a summary from this week:
1. I fainted after that long run (1500m) -_-
2. At the same day, I failed both biology and indonesian T_T
3. LOTS new 10th graders joined SYC \m/ so happy :D :D
4. (switching to mixed) BBMan with that someone almost everyday ^^
5. Officially off-braces! \(^_^)/
6. Bought an uber-cute silicone for my BB :D
7. Everything went super-smoothly ^^
But, thanks to my iPod who failed to send that post...
*sigh* I'm so sorry that I can't post that often....
HWs and tests... AAAAAA *stressed*
Gyah. Anw, I have LOTSSSSS to tell! \m/
Most of them 'r good ;)
Yes, life's been great to me lately. Somewhat too great (?)
So strange :O but so happy :D :D
Here's a summary from this week:
1. I fainted after that long run (1500m) -_-
2. At the same day, I failed both biology and indonesian T_T
3. LOTS new 10th graders joined SYC \m/ so happy :D :D
4. (switching to mixed) BBMan with that someone almost everyday ^^
5. Officially off-braces! \(^_^)/
6. Bought an uber-cute silicone for my BB :D
![]() |
It's the angry bird and stoopid looking pig side by side LOL |
Geez. I can't say how happy I am rite now ! Feel so blessed x)
-the 81st day-
Heyya! It's been 2 days after that 'lifechanging' (whut?) chat! LOL
Yes.. I started to pray. Felt somewhat strange and awkward at first..
But now I feel (a little bit) more comfortable doing that. Hahah.
Just like what we heard from that video showed by Mrs. Wati :D
My biggest thank to you heheh :p
I'm watching Toy Story 2 now. And there's a song lyric that caught my attention..
When we were falling in love :') Aaaaaaah T_T
But too bad that was just some sweet memory... That will never come back..
And now, I THINK I am liking someone. But I don't think this will last long.
IDK why it seems like I can't forget him? T_T
Haiyah wtf lately all my posts are filled with my nonsense #curcols. LOL
Yes.. I started to pray. Felt somewhat strange and awkward at first..
But now I feel (a little bit) more comfortable doing that. Hahah.
Just like what we heard from that video showed by Mrs. Wati :D
"Semua orang di sekitar anda sudah ditakdirkan oleh Tuhan untuk membantu anda berubah"Wow. Never guessed that it's the one who sits next to me.
My biggest thank to you heheh :p
I'm watching Toy Story 2 now. And there's a song lyric that caught my attention..
"When somebody loves me, everything is beautiful"So true... Suddenly I remembered those moments.
When we were falling in love :') Aaaaaaah T_T
But too bad that was just some sweet memory... That will never come back..
And now, I THINK I am liking someone. But I don't think this will last long.
IDK why it seems like I can't forget him? T_T
Haiyah wtf lately all my posts are filled with my nonsense #curcols. LOL
-the 80th day-
You know what, this week's been a tough one...
Yah somehow I felt that one of my classmate trying to... Whatever.
Like getting away from me.
YES, I know that I'm waaaaay to sensitive about literally anything.
But, this time I've even tried to talk to her. Kay?
Sooooo......... I told my friend about this.
From a short talk until a looooooooooong lecture (eh?)
I told him everything. And asked advice about my problem.
Here's my problem. I'm a freak (yes, I do admit it) act too.... Lebay.
And I do enjoy seeking attention from others... --a
I don't know how to fix this. So I asked.
And then this "talkshow" (whut?) starts.
Well... (switchhhh to indo)
Pas baca semua tulisan itu sering banget tanpa sadar ada air mata ngalir.
(salah satu bentuk kelebayan gua lalala)
I have no idea why this happened.
(sorry yaaa semua hari ini gua malah curcol >< )
You know what, this week's been a tough one...
Yah somehow I felt that one of my classmate trying to... Whatever.
Like getting away from me.
YES, I know that I'm waaaaay to sensitive about literally anything.
But, this time I've even tried to talk to her. Kay?
Sooooo......... I told my friend about this.
From a short talk until a looooooooooong lecture (eh?)
I told him everything. And asked advice about my problem.
Here's my problem. I'm a freak (yes, I do admit it) act too.... Lebay.
And I do enjoy seeking attention from others... --a
I don't know how to fix this. So I asked.
And then this "talkshow" (whut?) starts.
Well... (switchhhh to indo)
Pas baca semua tulisan itu sering banget tanpa sadar ada air mata ngalir.
(salah satu bentuk kelebayan gua lalala)
I have no idea why this happened.
(sorry yaaa semua hari ini gua malah curcol >< )
-the 79th day-
Heyheyhey <3
Today, someone amazed me.
Well.. You know, lately I lost lots of my things. Including my physics book.
ACTUALLY, it's my cousin's boook... OHNOOOOOOOO T_T
And today I tried to look for that book at the... Just say the Dump.
I was going to dig through that pile of old clothes when suddenly a boy came.
I don't know who is he, but he helped me to look for that book..
Here's the things that amazed me :
1. He don't know me but he helped
2. It's around 15PM ya, quite late, but still he spent some time to help.
I thought, people nowadays won't help each other.
I want to thank you, but I don't even know your name..
So, this post is dedicated to you, to show my gratitude :D :D
Thanks yah heheh x)
Today, someone amazed me.
Well.. You know, lately I lost lots of my things. Including my physics book.
ACTUALLY, it's my cousin's boook... OHNOOOOOOOO T_T
And today I tried to look for that book at the... Just say the Dump.
I was going to dig through that pile of old clothes when suddenly a boy came.
I don't know who is he, but he helped me to look for that book..
Here's the things that amazed me :
1. He don't know me but he helped
2. It's around 15PM ya, quite late, but still he spent some time to help.
I thought, people nowadays won't help each other.
I want to thank you, but I don't even know your name..
So, this post is dedicated to you, to show my gratitude :D :D
Thanks yah heheh x)
-the 78th day-
Hey everyone! How's your week?
Sorry for my absence this week... I'm so busy practicing for Smukiez Choir's concert :
It's us! \(^^)/ me with that red circle, damn ugly -_-
But who cares, as long as we're together! \m/
Anywaaaaaaaay ~(switching to indo)
Mau curcol dikit yaa...
I think.. Gw skrg lgi falling for someone ;)
Awalnya tuh gara2 pertama gw masuk kelas.. Dan gw menangkap tatapannya (WHAT?)
Dan gua mulai kepikiran. LOLOLOL.
AAAAAND! Kemaren gua bener2 seneng gak nolong. But once again, I can't tell you why here.
Don't know who'll read this, right? (still the same excuse since 16 months ago, LOL)
Kaaaay gotta go, so see ya soon!
Sorry for my absence this week... I'm so busy practicing for Smukiez Choir's concert :
"The Silver Age of Golden Voices" - celebrating our 25th birthday! *cheers*And the concert was absolutely unforgettable! :)
It's us! \(^^)/ me with that red circle, damn ugly -_-
But who cares, as long as we're together! \m/
Anywaaaaaaaay ~(switching to indo)
Mau curcol dikit yaa...
I think.. Gw skrg lgi falling for someone ;)
Awalnya tuh gara2 pertama gw masuk kelas.. Dan gw menangkap tatapannya (WHAT?)
Dan gua mulai kepikiran. LOLOLOL.
AAAAAND! Kemaren gua bener2 seneng gak nolong. But once again, I can't tell you why here.
Don't know who'll read this, right? (still the same excuse since 16 months ago, LOL)
Kaaaay gotta go, so see ya soon!
-the 77th day-
Hey all :D
Yesterday, I watches Lucas Sebastian's Piano Recital.
It was greaaaat! He played great songs. Especially O Grand Dieu, a song he composed.
IT was fun, especially because there's lots of my friend came too.
Like what I've said.. It was fun, BEFORE...
This couple showed up. Damnit. My heart crumbled, together with my face (WTF?)
They looked so happy. YA ofcourse they're happy lah. -_____-
Idk why I'm still sooooooo jealous. Although I have no reason to.
I'm not his special someone. Not anymore.
It's been 16 months since that moment.
Okaaaaay STOP!
Sorry gua jadi curcol. LOL
Well actually I have nothing to say sih.. So see you :D
Yesterday, I watches Lucas Sebastian's Piano Recital.
It was greaaaat! He played great songs. Especially O Grand Dieu, a song he composed.
IT was fun, especially because there's lots of my friend came too.
Like what I've said.. It was fun, BEFORE...
This couple showed up. Damnit. My heart crumbled, together with my face (WTF?)
They looked so happy. YA ofcourse they're happy lah. -_____-
Idk why I'm still sooooooo jealous. Although I have no reason to.
I'm not his special someone. Not anymore.
It's been 16 months since that moment.
Okaaaaay STOP!
Sorry gua jadi curcol. LOL
Well actually I have nothing to say sih.. So see you :D
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