
-the 67th day-

Well hello there.
Hoah felt so down gloomy desperate and sad because of my mid term report card. oooooh.
I still can't get it... Why my parents put a awfully high expectation(s) to my scores.
Oh please,, can't you lower your hopes, even just for a little?


And today, I visited some booths of my favorite univs :)
They are :
UPH (FoodTech / BioTech industry)
NUS (ChemEng / Applied Chem / CompSci)
HKUST (ChemEng / CompSci)
NTU -->less like it but my parents force me to. (Chem Eng / Comp Sci)

Well, they're all Nat Sci's major, but what if I can't make it to the nat sci?



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