
-day 110-

Hey all :D
Good day, no?
Remember my yesterday's post?
About that hired thingy?
Turns out now I have 3 (left-over?) account that are similar to typethat.biz~
Well, it's a website that pay us to type captcha. Simple, no?
If anyone wants to have the account just contact me via comment / twitter / facebook, anything you prefer deh :p

I'm still lucky that -that misstress (call her Alice (?))- only followed by 5* tweeps.
So she rarely appears to my timeline~ *yaaaay*
I don't know why I 'hate' her soooooo much.
Everyone only knows my incident. Not hers. bleh.
So everyone thinks that she's a genius and generous angel who shares a lot of thing..
xD okay Imma stop talking soon. don't want her to see this post and blabbering around like she once did :D


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